
SmartTags allow electronic signatures, variable text fields and other interactive field elements to be quickly and easily be inserted into any document type including; Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint or portable document format (PDF). Our SmartTags functionality can be used to create templates within a document management system and is also available via the VirtualSignature portal and the REST-API.

For operational use SmartTag code is inserted between braces {{SmartTagCode}}
Basic tags are defined by the field you wish to define and the index of the party you wish the field to be assigned to.

A list of tag types is defined below.

SmartTag Code Form Element Available to sender (Selfsign)
sig Signature Tag Yes
csig Company Signature* Yes
date Date Field Yes
ini Initials Yes
cb checkbox Yes
cg checkbox group item Yes
text Text Field Yes
add Address Lookup No
seal Seal No

*Company Signature only applied if configured for account.

wit Witness Block No
witsig Witness Signature No
witatt Witness Attestation* No
witnam Witness Name No
witocc Witness Occupation* No
witadd Witness Address No

*Occupation and Attestation are optional

Adding fields

When defining a field you must assign the party index to the code to identify the recipient. For example, two individual recipient eSignature tags would be written as: {{sig1}} and {{sig2}} NOTE: eSignature tags will automatically define size. A date field is the only tag that doesn't require a party index. To define a date that prints upon transaction completion the tag {{date}} would be used. To define a date that prints upon party 1 completion the tag {{date1}} would be used.

To assign a field to the sender (SelfSign) the "$" symbol should be used instead of an index number: {{sig$}} This can also be applied to company signatures {{csig$}}, initials {{ini$}}, checkboxes {{cb$}} and textboxes {{text$}}. For more examples see below.

A wildcard field can be used when sending through the portal only. This will allow the party to be assigned to the field in the document field editor screen. A "?" is used for a wildcard field for example {{sig?}}

When defining a checkbox group item you must define a group for the checkbox to be assigned to. This is done by adding a group number before "cg". For example the following tag {{1cg1}} would assign a checkbox to group number 1 for party 1. To add other checkboxes to that group the tag would then just be repeated as required. Once a group has been assigned to a party any attempts to add checkboxes to the group assigned to another party will be ignored. If any of the items in a group are set as required then the whole of the group will therefore be required.

When defining a text field you can also define the with and height of the text field. To define the height of the text field you must indicate the number of lines required before the word "text" in the tag. e.g. To define a text field of 3 lines in height for party index 1 you would use the tag {{3text1}}. If no number is supplied, then the text field will be 1 line in height. To define the width of a text field you can extend the closing braces as far as required but they must be on the same line as the opening braces. To set as a field as "required" field, an * symbol must also be included. e.g. A required text field for party 2 that is 2 lines in height would be {{2text2* }}.

When defining a date field you can also define the date format from 6 different options. To define the format you must indicate the number from 1-6 to define the format required as detailed below. If no format is defined then format 1 will be used. To define a date stamp in format 2 for party 1 you would use the tag {{2date1}}.

Format IDFormatExample
1DD MONTH YYYY22 January 2025
7DD MONTH22 January

Adding Witnessing

Witnessing can be added in 2 different ways, it can be either added as a block where all elements of the witness are prined in one block. Alternatively each element of the witness can be positioned seperately

To add a witness block to the document the code "wit" is required followed by the index of the witness. Witness indexes are unrelated to that of the parties so can be 1 or 2. By default, witnesses added as tags are set to be configured to be assigned by a recipient but this can be changed as part of the sending process.

To add witness pieces to the document you must add the witness signature, name, occupation and address seperately using the witsig, witnam, witocc and witadd tags respectivelty. To group these pieces together you must assign a group number at the start of the tag in a similar way to a checkbox group as defined above. All witness signature, name and address must be added to a group once and only once for the group to be valid. Witness occupation and attestation are optional. Each group must also only be assigned to one witness.


  • A signature tag for party 1 : {{sig1}}
  • A signature tag for the sender : {{sig$}}
  • A date field (no format set so defaulting to format 1) : {{date}}
  • A date field for party 2 in format 3: {{3date2}}
  • An initials field for party 2 : {{ini2}}
  • A checkbox for party 1 that is a required field: {{cb1*}}
  • A checkbox for party 2 that isn't a required field: {{cb2}}
  • A checkbox group item assigned to group 1 for party 1: {{1cg1}}
  • A textfield for party 2 that is 2 lines in height and not required: {{2text2}}
  • A textfield for party 1 that is 5 lines in height and required: {{5text1*}}
  • A witness block for the first witness: {{wit1}}
  • A witness signature assigned to the first witness in witness group 1: {{1witsig1}}
    (This tag would need to be added alongside {{1witnam1}} and {{1witadd1}} to be valid)